Toddler Travel Tips with @WhereIsBriggs
June 08, 2023

When it comes to navigating the ins and outs of traveling with little kids, we always look to Jess Darrington aka @whereisbriggs, international mom of mystery, for parent hacks, packing tips, gear recommendations and more.

Q: When it comes to summer travel with young kids, do you prefer plane or road trip?
A: I may be in the minority but I prefer to travel by plane (even with young kids) if it gets me to my destination quicker! If it's only a couple of hours, a mini road trip is the way to go!
Q: If it’s to the beach or elsewhere, do you have any specific tips for those destinations?
A: Yes, especially if you have to fly to get there, I prefer renting baby gear instead of having to lug all the gear through the airport. It’s really convenient and stress-free! Highly recommend Rents4baby (use my discount code WHEREISBRIGGS) or Babyquip (TOURIST10.)
Q: What are some tips for parents flying with young kids for the first time?
A: The best tip that I can give is to be prepared! Run through the entire airport experience in your mind so you know what to expect. Find out what you can and can't take through security. Practice folding your stroller with one hand and learn how to install a car seat on an airplane in advance. If you’re prepared, your first plane ride with your little one can be a great experience!
Q: If you could go back in time to your very first trip with Briggs, what do you wish you could tell yourself?
A: I wish I could redo my first plane ride with Briggs. I was so stressed the entire time and my husband and I got mad at each other because we were both on edge wondering if our baby was going to cry on the plane, how to help his ears during takeoff and landing, etc. I wish I would've stressed less and enjoyed more. Easier said than done, I know!
For more with Jess Darrington, checkout her blog and instagram.